Current Job Postings:
If you or your employer need to have a position posted on the NOCALL list-serv or website, send your position announcement via email, with the position announcement formatted directly in the email or as a Word attachment, to the Placement Committee, at
- 03/05/2025 Research Specialist, Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP, San Francisco, CA or Los Angeles, CA
- 02/25/2025 Research Librarian (Hybrid), Cornerstone Research, San Francisco, CA or Los Angeles, CA
- 01/17/2025 Competitive Intelligence Research Librarian, Nixon Peabody, San Francisco, CA or Multiple Offices
- 01/15/2025 Senior Knowledge & Research Analyst, O'Melveny, Fully Remote
- 01/13/2025 Research Librarian, Nixon Peabody, San Francisco, CA or Multiple Offices
- 11/14/2024 Research Librarian, Crowell & Moring, San Francisco, CA or any other U.S. Office
- 10/21/2024 Senior Knowledge & Research Analyst, Gordon Rees, Remote, San Francisco or Walnut Creek
Why I Became a Law Librarian:
I consulted with a career counselor who identified librarianship as something that would suit me.

I feel like law librarianship chose me! When I moved to San Francisco to attend college, I got a part-time position at the Bank of America Legal Department Library. I was lucky to work under Laurie Flynn and Trish McCurdy who introduced me to the world of law libraries and NOCALL.

I love being a law librarian because it exposes me to the latest in information technology and the world of legal practice.

Other job posting websites:
- AALL Placement American Association of Law Libraries
- SANDALL Job Listings San Diego Area Law Libraries
- SCALL Southern California Association of Law Libraries
- SLA Job Page Special Libraries Association
- SLA San Francisco and Silicon Valley Chapters Jobline
- BayNet
- California Library Association
- JobStar Central - Job search information, hotlines, career centers in Northern California
- JobHero - Resumes, Cover Letters, Resources
- Council on Library/Media Technicians (COLT)
- Advanced Information Management - AIM (Agency)
- ALA JobList American Library Association
- ARL Career Resources Association of Research Libraries
- LAC Group
- Jofibo Resume Templates
- NASIGWeb Job Listings North American Serials Interest Group
- Novoresume
- Taylor & Associates
Questions and comments about this page may be sent to: Robyn M. Moltzen