Santa Clara University
Benson Memorial Center
California Mission Room (Basement Level)
Registration* | Hotel | Public Transit and Parking | Vendor Information | Programs and Videos | Speakers |
Sponsors | Premium Exhibitors |Exhibitors | Donors | Institute Committee
Institute Surveys For Members and Exhibitors
Registration * closed on March 9th. We cannot accept registration on-site.
General Registration (postmarked by February 18, 2016):
NOCALL Members, AALL Members, |
$75 |
Students & Retired Librarians |
$30 |
Non Members |
$100 |
Program, “Do I Look Like a Librarian? Demonstrating Your Value in Traditional and Non-Traditional Career Paths” + Lunch |
$30 |
Late Registration (postmarked after February 18, 2016):
NOCALL Members, AALL Members, Other AALL Regional Chapter Members, CLA, SLA, CCCLL |
$100 |
Students & Retired Librarians |
$35 |
Non Members |
$110 |
Program, “Do I Look Like a Librarian? Demonstrating Your Value in Traditional and Non-Traditional Career Paths” + |
$40 |
*Institute registration includes admission to program sessions, breakfast, luncheon, and reception.
Room Reservations:
Book your group rate here or call 408-650-0590. The last day at the guaranteed rate was February 17, 2016.
Room, Rate and Parking
Suite: 1 king-sized bed or 2 queen-sized beds, according to hotel availability when you check in.. Rate: $209 per night, not including local taxes and assessment fees. Parking costs $15 daily. |
Public Transit
Santa Clara University is within a short walk of the Santa Clara Caltrain station. A free shuttle serves this station and the San Jose International Airport (for traveling vendors), and stops within a block of our venue hotel.
At the booth at the Palm Drive entrance, buy a parking permit for $7/car. Park in the Main Garage. It has spaces on the first floor, outlined here, for those with mobility needs. Please arrive early if you expect to park in one of these spaces. If you need additional accommodation, please contact Michael Ginsborg at
Vendors save the date! Northern California’s premier law librarian continuing education Institute is offered this year at Santa Clara University on March 18, 2016. Please contact Michael Ginsborg for information. See you at the beautiful campus of Santa Clara University in March!
Program. Schedule of Events
Click here for program videos.
8:15 am – 9:30 am | Registration and Vendor Exhibits Open |
8:15 – 9:15 am | Breakfast |
9:30 – 9:45 am | Welcome & Opening Remarks |
9:45 – 10:15 am | Keynote address Melanie D. Heller, Esq. , Vice-President & General Manager, Bloomberg Law |
10:20 – 11:00 am | California Mission Room
The Algorithm as a Human Artifact: Implications for Legal {Re}Search (MCLE credit available**) This talk will introduce an empirical study of search algorithms in six legal databases: WestlawNext, Lexis Advance, Fastcase, Google Scholar, Ravel and Casetext. Search algorithms assist your searching in legal databases most of the time, and the researcher does not know much, if anything, about how those algorithms work. The algorithms are created by humans, who have made multiple choices about how the search will be carried out. Those choices are opaque to the user, and are executed automatically. How do these choices effect what we see in the results and how can we know? The study will look at the differences that exist when six groups of humans try to solve the same research puzzle.
Conference Room 21 A Google Analytics Primer: Best Practices and How To Use at Your Library (Presentation) Google Analytics is free software that can help libraries understand who their users are and how they use the library’s web presence. Two librarians from academic and private law libraries will utilize the recent Digital Library Federation White Paper on Best Practices for Google Analytics to show how their libraries have used the software on their OPAC, website, and institutional repository. The presenters will discuss their use of the software, what data it does and does not provide, and what data-drive decisions their libraries have made as a result. |
11:00 – 11:30 am | Vendor Exhibit & Refreshment Break |
11:30 am – 12:10 pm | California Mission Room
Our Resilient County Law Libraries: Creative Responses to Unprecedented Challenges (Handouts) Many of California’s county law libraries have been struggling to survive a dire funding crisis, even as demand for their services has never been greater. They represent a lifeline for those who depend on their imperiled resources to understand and protect their legal rights. What are the causes of the crisis, and how are these libraries responding to it? What role can we assume to support their vital mission? Carey, John, and Kim will discuss (1) growing challenges to serving users at a time of diminished funds and escalating costs; (2) innovative responses to leverage resources, including collaboration with other libraries, bar associations, and legal advocacy services; (3) legislative advocacy initiatives of the California Council of County Law Libraries (CCCLL), and lessons learned from legislative successes and reversals; (4) a strategy to achieve a comprehensive, lasting remedy to the funding crisis; and (5) NOCALL’s role in supporting CCCLL’s short-term and long-term legislative priorities. This program is made possible by a grant from the AALL/Bloomberg BNA Continuing Education Grants Program.
Do I Look Like a Librarian? Demonstrating Your Value in Traditional and Non-Traditional Career Paths (Presentation) Part 1: Career Agility: Transforming Knowledge and Expertise into Strategic Value – Deb Hunt Our profession continues to evolve rapidly, which challenges us to adapt and transform, to be flexible and innovative. The skills we learned in school and build on throughout our careers have potential far beyond traditional library and information center settings. Former SLA international president Deb Hunt has zigged and zagged in and out of the library profession during her career, often working in parallel knowledge domains. She will share how to become an agile information professional by:
Attendees will walk away with actionable strategies to demonstrate their value and expertise in their organization, ensuring continued employment and career satisfaction. Ed has performed more than 20 recruitments over the past 10 years and he will discuss the things which make cover letters and applications stand out for him — both in good ways and in bad ways. The learning outcomes for his presentation will be that job applicants will understand which traits can make an application rise to the top of the consideration pile or sink to the bottom, while reviewers of applications will find a way to quickly distinguish between the people who are interested in the position being offered and those who may be treating it like any other job. |
12:15 – 1:30 pm | Lunch |
1:00 – 1:20 pm | Comments of Holly Riccio, Immediate Past President, AALL, and Past President, NOCALL |
1:20 – 1:30 pm | Announcements by Ellen Platt, President, NOCALL |
1:35 – 2:15 pm | California Mission Room
How Digital Design Innovations Can Improve Delivery of Legal Services] (MCLE credit available**) In the era of big data, innovations and developments in digital design and data-wrangling are becoming more and more important―and crucial―to making sense of our world, and legal services are in no way immune. Speaker Nikki Ziechner, one of the ABA’s 2015 Legal Rebels, will share her experiences, in an effort to provide inspiration through her experiences of being creative within the legal context.
Hidden Jewels: Business, Science and Technology Resources at the SFPL (BST Resources Presentation, What’s Cooking Presentation, Handout) The Main San Francisco Public Library offers an amazing collection of electronic resources in their Business, Science and Technology department, freely available to anyone with a current SFPL card. Lia Hillman, 4th Floor Program Manager, will share these resources, the hidden jems they contain, and how to access them remotely. See how SFPL can expand your research options and services at no additional cost to your own library! Bonus: Lia is also a professional chef and creator of the Biblio Bistro program, the SFPL mobile kitchen, where she has merged her two passions, reading and cooking. Learn about the program, the cookbook collection, and where to find the Biblio Bistro near you. |
2:20 – 2:50 pm | Vendor exhibits and refreshment break |
2:50 – 3:30 pm | California Mission Room
Mindfulness Meditation and Law Libraries (MCLE credit available**) (Handouts) This program will introduce participants to mindfulness meditation. Participants will experience a short meditation session and will learn about the fundamentals of mindfulness, including the benefits of this practice. The session will also discuss how mindfulness applies in law libraries. |
3:30 – 3:40 pm | Raffle |
3:40 – 3:50 pm | Closing Remarks |
4:00 – 5:30 pm | Reception |
**Farella, Braun + Martell LLP, Certified Provider #1200. Please contact Mary Staats.
NOCALL would like to thank the following companies for supporting the NOCALL Spring Institute!
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AALL/Bloomberg BNA Continuing Education Grants Program |
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CEB – Continuing Education of the Bar, CA – University of California |
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Documents Delivered |
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ThomsonReuters |
Premium Exhibitors
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Bloomberg BNA |
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CEB – Continuing Education of the Bar, CA – University of California |
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Casetext |
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Legislative Intent Service, Inc. |
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ProQuest |
Raffle Prize and Other Donors
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Intelligize |
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LRI History LLC |
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Retriev-It |
Institute Committee
Hadi Amjadi, Golden Gate University Law Library, San Francisco
Prano Amjadi, Heafey Law Library, Santa Clara University
Marguerite Beveridge, Witkin State Law Library, Sacramento
Jodi Collova, Dorraine Zief Law Library, University of San Francisco
Caren Doyle, Carroll, Burdick & McDonough LLP, San Francisco
Jen Fell, Sacramento County Law Library
Michele Finerty, NOCALL Immediate Past President
Michael Ginsborg, Chair and NOCALL Vice-President/President-Elect, Arnold & Porter LLP
Coral Henning, NOCALL Treasurer, Sacramento County Law Library
David Holt, Heafey Law Library, Santa Clara University
Julie Horst, Ninth Circuit Library
Judy Janes, UC Davis Mabie Law Library
Sarah Lin, Reed Smith LLP
Chuck Marcus, Hastings College of the Law
Kristina Marcy, Heafey Law Library, Santa Clara University
Jane Metz, Nixon Peabody LLP, San Francisco
Ellen Platt, NOCALL President, Heafey Law Library, Santa Clara University
Holly Riccio, AALL Immediate Past President, O’Melveny & Myers LLP, San Francisco
Stephen Hunter Richards, University of San Francisco Law School
Diane Rodriguez, San Francisco Law Library
Bernadette St. John, St. John & Associates International
Richard Schulke, San Francisco County Law Library
Mary Sexton, Heafey Law Library, Santa Clara University
Mary Staats, Farella Braun & Martel LLP
Jocelyn Stilwell, California 6th District Court of Appeal, San Jose
Sherry Takacs, Skadden, Arps, Slate, Magher & Flom, Palo Alto
Rose Turner, Lincoln Law School Library, Sacramento
Jean Willis, Sacramento County Public Law Library
Institute Surveys For Members and Exhibitors
If you attended, please take our Member Survey or Exhibitor Survey.