Placement Procedures

If you are looking for a position

  1. Subscribe to the NOCALL listserv (instructions here.) By checking the listserv frequently, you will have immediate access to job announcements and you can send your resume directly to the employer. You are encouraged to enclose a cover letter mentioning that you saw the listing on the NOCALL listserv and offer a brief review of your qualifications.
  2. Additionally, you can check the job listings on our web page where positions are announced usually within 48-72 hours of the Placement chair’s posting of POSITION AVAILABLE on the listserv.

If you are a prospective employer recruiting for a position

  1. Send your position announcement via email to the Placement Committee, at
  2. Please provide the job posting as a WORD document attachment or as text directly in the body of the email. Be sure to include information on “How to Apply” and provide an applicable link.
  3.  The Committee will then post it on the NOCALL listserv and on the NOCALL website Jobs page.
  4. To also have your position posted on the SANDALL listserv, please indicate so, and we can send it out on the listserv directly.
  5. Please feel free to contact the Placement Committee if you have any questions. Robyn Moltzen
  6. There is no charge for any of our placement services.  We simply ask that you inform us when the position is filled.