March 21-22, 2014 at the Sir Francis Drake Hotel in San Francisco.
Registration | Hotel | Vendor Information | Program | Speakers |
Sponsors | Premium Exhibitors | Exhibitors | Donors | Institute Committee
Attendee Information
For those planning on attending the 2014 Spring Institute, here are some documents that may be helpful to you:
- San Francisco has a large number of delicious restaurants in the area! Please see this link and scroll down to restaurants.
- Union Square
NOTE that online registration will close Tuesday, March 18th.
You can register online for the NOCALL Spring Institute at
Or, by downloading and mailing the Registration Form.
General Registration (postmarked by February 20, 2014):
- NOCALL Members, AALL Members, Other AALL Regional Chapter Members, CLA, SLA, CCCLL $130
- Students & Retired Librarians $60
- Non Members $140
- One day only (Friday or Saturday) $65 members/$70 non-members
Late Registration (postmarked after February 20, 2014):
- NOCALL Members, AALL Members, Other AALL Regional Chapter Members, CLA , SLA, CCCLL $140
- Students & Retired Librarians $65
- Non Members $150
- One day only (Friday or Saturday) $70 members/$75 non-members
Institute registration includes admission to program sessions, Friday Box lunch & Reception, Saturday breakfast & luncheon.
Sir Francis Drake Hotel, 450 Powell Street, San Francisco, CA 94102
Room Options and Rates:
Standard Room: $185.00 per night
Double Occupancy: $185.00 per night
Triple Occupancy: $205.00 per night
Quadruple Occupancy: $225.00 per night
Room images available online.
To receive the NOCALL rates all room reservations must be made on or before February 21, 2014. Attendees must reference the “2014 NOCALL Spring Institute” in order to obtain the Institute Rate.
To Place Reservations by Telephone: Call Reservation Department at 800-227-5480. Choose Option # 3. Then ask for Extension 371.
Email Reservation Requests to:
Hotel Valet Parking
Overnight Parking for Hotel Guests: $50.00 + tax per day with in-and-out privileges
Oversized cars: $55.00 + tax per day with in-and-out privileges
Parking for Non-Hotel Guests: $12.00 for the first hour and $4.00 for each additional hour
Non-hotel parking near Union Square and hotel
Vendor Information
Vendors save the date! Northern California’s premier law librarian continuing education Institute is offered this year in San Francisco, March 21-22, 2014. Please see the Vendor Registration Form to sign up for a table, where you can meet with law librarians from the Bay Area and surrounding counties. This is an excellent opportunity to share your products and ideas with law librarians from all types of libraries, including law firms, law schools, government agencies, the courts, corporations and public law libraries. Also please find a form describing Sponsorship Opportunities for this event. See you in California’s City by the Bay in March!
Program – Schedule of Events (tentative)
Friday, March 21, 2014 | |
10:45 am – 12:15 pm | Registration and Vendor Exhibits Open |
11:00 am – Noon | Round Table Discussion: Family Health Care Issues in the 21st Century – BOX LUNCHES AVAILABLE How, in our libraries, will we as a profession deal with providing health care to our parents/loved ones? Many of us have taken off to care for sick parents. The Round Table discussion will explore ways in which libraries can support their librarians in these circumstances. |
12:15 pm – 12:30 pm | Welcome & Opening Remarks |
12:30 pm – 1:15 pm | Social Media: Privacy and the Law. Jen King, PhD. Candidate, UC Berkeley School of Information.Socrates boldly claimed that the unexamined life is not worth living. Were he alive today he might marvel at the opportunities for reflection and action provided by social media, smart phone applications, and digital devices that expose, map, measure and monitor everything from friendships to personal health, to environmental exposure, driving performance, energy consumption, and relationships. There are compelling personal and social benefits to be gained from the technology and the growing sea of data it generates, but as the summer of Snowden all too starkly illustrated U.S. law has tethered individual privacy to the home and personal devices while technology innovation has moved our data to the clouds, platforms, and networks owned and operated by the private sector. This session will discuss some of the pressing privacy challenges presented by social media and smart phone platforms, connected devices, and cloud storage. |
1:15 pm – 2:00 pm | Think “Different” Karen Coyle*, Library Digital Consultant, Berkeley, California. Libraries continually experience the rapid growth in online data due to the Internet and the increasingly widespread use of databases. Karen Coyle, who is a digital library consultant and worked for more than 20 years at the University of California Digital Library, Berkeley, will address the value of thinking differently about common library practices. Library metadata methods were not designed to coexist with new types of data, such as that of computer processing. Ms. Coyle advises that by thinking differently about catalog metadata, librarians can change the idea that library catalogs are limited to directing patrons to the locations of print or electronic titles. Librarians can transform “the library’s public catalog from a stand-alone database of bibliographic records to a highly hyper-linked data set that can interact with information resources on the World Wide Web.” Thinking differently will expand what the catalog offers by moving from organizing titles to providing knowledge discovery. In this way, the library catalog has the ability to answer questions, not just give a list of sources. *Karen Coyle’s presentation is made possible by a Grant from the AALL/Bloomberg BNA Continuing Education Grants Program |
2:00 pm – 2:30 pm | Vendor Exhibit & Refreshment Break |
2:30 pm – 3:15 pm | What Interests Drive the Creation of New Laws? Laurel Rosenhall, Sacramento Bee Capitol Bureau Consultant In 2012, the membership of NOCALL and the other California chapters played an active role in promoting the enactment of the Uniform Electronic Legal Material Act. In UELMA’s case, it was clear who sponsored the bill and what groups were promoting it. California sponsors are sometimes listed in the legislative analysis of many of its bills, but there is no rule requiring that. Laurel Rosenhall, the Sacramento Bee Capitol Bureau Consultant, will illustrate how the forces behind Federal and state legislation are not always evident and are often masked. In some cases, lobbyists will research issues, draft the bill language, and line up people to testify at hearings. Ms. Rosenhall’s presentation will demonstrate how at times the public’s right to know can lose out to politics when a lawmaker signs onto a bill that has been drafted by its sponsoring interest group. |
3:15 pm – 4:00 pm | The Privacy Enforcement and Protection Unit at the Attorney General’s Office. Yen “TiTi” Nguyen, Deputy Attorney General, Privacy Enforcement Unit, California Department of Justice California citizens have a constitutionally-guaranteed right to privacy, and protecting their privacy rights is one of the California Attorney General’s top priorities. Information about us that institutions hold, such as credit card and bank account numbers, health care data, and other elements that must be kept private, is potentially at risk. The recent Target credit card breach is an example of such dangers. This program will provide an overview to the Privacy Enforcement and Protection Unit, including who they are and what the AG’s Privacy Enforcement Unit does to protect Californians’ privacy rights. |
4:00 pm – 4:45 pm | A Guided Tasting of Chocolate. Loyd Auerbach, Chocolatier and Proprietor of Haunted by Chocolate. Everything goes better with chocolate!! Mr. Auerbach’s presentation will explore a variety of quality chocolates, what goes into them and how they are created. Institute participants will be given samples to taste so as to better understand the differences. |
Reception | |
Dinner on Your Own | |
Saturday, March 22, 2014 | |
7:45 am – 8:45 am | Buffet Breakfast |
8:00 am – 9:00 am | Registration & Vendor Exhibits Open |
9:00 am – 10:15 am | Context is Everything: Cost Recovery Models in Electronic Legal Research. Martha Campos, Manager of Library Services, Lewis & Brockius, LLP; Amy Wright, Research Librarian and Adjunct Professor, USF School of Law; Colleen Cable, Profit Recovery Partners, LLC. Try as we may to teach cost-effective research in law firms, what is the point if our customers do not understand the bottom line? Our panel will discuss trends in recovering the cost of online research, how to discuss contracts and recovery with end users, and what law schools teach future lawyers about cost recovery. |
10:15 am – 10:45 am | Mining Legal Research Gold: HeinOnline Marc Records. Natalie White, Director of Marketing, Cassidy Cataloging Services, Inc. Research treasures abound in HeinOnline’s many libraries and the fastest, easiest way to mine them is with the MARC catalog records. Congressional Research Reports, Nazi war crime trials, obscure Congressional hearings, they are all here and easy to find. |
10:45 am – 11:15 am | Vendor Exhibit & Refreshment Break |
11:15 am – 12:30 pm | Law Library Management in Challenging Times. Kathy Skinner, Director of Research Services, Morrison & Foerster, LLP; Ronald Wheeler, Director of the Law Library and Associate Professor of Law, USF School of Law; Eric Wade, Circuit Librarian for the Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals. Our speakers will present from three different perspectives about some universal law library management concerns, including the management of local and virtual employees, space-planning, collection development, budget pressures, and electronic resource management. |
12:30 pm – 12:45 pm | Closing Remarks |
12:45 pm – 2:00 pm | Closing Luncheon in the Drake’s Starlight Room |
Farella, Braun + Martell LLP, Certified Provider #1200, certifies that this activity has been approved for MCLE credit by the State Bar of California
NOCALL would like to thank the following companies for their support of the NOCALL Spring Institute !
Premium Exhibitors
Vendor Raffle Prize Donors
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Docket Navigator |
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Institute Committee
Chair: Michele Finerty, Vice President/President Elect, Pacific McGeorge School of Law, Schaber Law Library
Shannon Burchard, University of San Francisco, Zief Law Library
Tara Crabtree, State of California, Court of Appeal, 5th District
Lauri Flynn, California Judicial Center Library
Lisa Hampton, Legislative Research & Intent LLC
Judy Heier, Farella Braun & Martel LLP
Julie Horst, United States Court of Appeals Library
Judy Janes, UC Davis, Mabie Law Library
Sean Kaneshiro, Stanford University, Robert Crown Law Library
Chuck Marcus, Hastings College of the Law
Jane Metz, Jackson Lewis LLP
Ellen Platt, Santa Clara University, Heafey Law Library
Jen Richter, Sacramento County Public Law Library
Diane Rodriguez, Hassard Bonnington LLP
Carolina Rose, Legislative Research & Intent LLC
Rachael Samberg, Stanford University, Robert Crown Law Library
Mary Sexton, Santa Clara University, Heafey Law Library
Mary Staats, Farella Braun & Martel LLP
Jeremy Sullivan, DLA Piper LLP
Donna Williams, University of San Francisco, Zief Law Library
Jean Willis, Sacramento County Public Law Library
Harriet Zook, Pacific McGeorge School of Law, Schaber Law Library